
1924 Facius & Schober founded Kupferring-Dichtungswerk in Annaberg.
1946 ownership of Kupferring-Dichtungswerk was transferred to the people.
1953 VEB Kupferring was placed under the main administration for automobile and tractor construction, Berlin.
1984 IDT - Industrie und Dichtungstechnik was founded by Wolfgang Notter in Essen on September 13.
1989 GDR opens its borders. During the night of November 9, Berliners from east and west walk through the Brandenburg Gate together again.
1993 IDT Werk Kupferring was entered in the commercial register in Chemnitz.
Milestones & Turning Points
From distributor to producer.
From automotive supplier to Sealing Technology Specialist.
From tinkerer to technology partner.
From local business to global player.
Plain good and lovable at the same time.
For our customers and partners.
For colleagues. For families and friends.
As a trusted supplier. As a family-run company.
As a solid employer, significant industry specialist, sponsor and supporter of many organizations and activities.
We are certain that all this makes us Smart Gasketeers. For 100 + 40 years.
And how about you? What makes us at IDT Smart Gasketeers for you?
Our gaskets are a crucial component in a complex system.
They guarantee that liquids, gases, fumes, or hazardous substances stay put.
That's serious - for plants running smoothly, for the safety of people, and the protection of our environment.
Simple, honest, and real.
Because connecting supply and demand is anchored in our DNA, we maintain strong and trusting relationships.
For 100 + 40 years.
With you. With the people who work with us.

Advanced Products.
That is our ambition and a promise at the same time. Smart Gasketeers, one step ahead.
Standard products and quality you trust. Solutions you count on. The development that takes you forward.

For sustainable dependability and performance.
Your challenges awaken our pioneering spirit and ingenuity.
We are aware of the entire system, focus on individual requirements and offer product solutions with the greatest possible benefit.

Advanced Products.
Mit Leidenschaft und Präzision gefertigt. Nachhaltige und effiziente Lösungen für die Zukunft.
Unser Antrieb. Unsere Menschen.

Luciéne Pöttrich

Jörg Market
Service is the key to success.
Advanced is our 360° support for you.
With Smart Gasketeers who are always one step ahead.
Committed and personable.
In-house expertise.
Tailor-made services and reliability in all directions.
Personal support.
Technical advice and excellent customer service all-round.
Actual solutions.
Efficient logistics and ready product availability.
Ultimate foresight.
Turnaround with 360° perspective and excellence in joint integrity management.
Advanced Service.
Provided by people who simply care about you.
By people like these, who are our true strength.

Doris Heidbrink

That is our future.
That's exactly what we give and what defines us.
For 100 years in Annaberg. For 40 years in Essen.
Successfully side by side for 30 years.

With our customers. Close to the market
In our knowledge as sealing technology specialists.
With technical support. With solutions.
With product quality and service.
That's our story.
That's what we want to celebrate this year.